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    30+ Priceless Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Make Yourself

    If you're on a tight budget, but want to give your significant other a thoughtful gift for Valentine's Day, nothing says "I <3" you better than DIY arts and crafts that are lovely gifts to receive but deviously simple to create.

    We've done the legwork and found some 30+ creative DIY projects that will serve as the perfect and thoughtful Valentine's Day gift. Some play around with how to frame up your precious photographs, while others need a bit of sewing and embroidery skills, but they all will put a smile on your loved one's face.

    Need More Ideas?

    • 15 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Get Under $25
    • 20 DIY Ideas For A Priceless Valentine's Day Gift
    • 20 Creative Valentine's Day Cards You Wish You Were Receiving
    • 5 Creative Things To Do This Valentine's Day

    String Heart

    Using nails, a piece of wood, and string, preferably in the shade of love, follow this tutorial to create a heart-warming decoration.

    Secret Message in a Bottle

    Using vintage “bingo” game pieces, create a secret message that only your special someone can decode! Using a stamp, put letters on each numbered piece, put them in the bottle, send them the code and let them play codebreaker for Valentine's.

    We Met, We Married, We Lived, We Love

    Do you have special “places” that mean a lot in your relationship? Then this little project is for you! Print out maps and label them based on where you met, got married, lived and even where you plan to grow old, then frame it up and hang it up in your home.

    Memory Candles

    A perfect way to keep the love alive! Place your picture using transparent contact paper and apply them onto bottles or cylinders which double as candle holders! Works for letters and illustrations as well.

    Paper Necklace

    Perfect for retro gamers (or people who grew up in the 80's) or as a “last minute” gift. This easy but cute gift can be done in no time!

    Chalkboard Mason Jars

    Another alternative to the heart jars, this time using the jars as a chalkboard and filling them with delicious candy.

    Giant Fringe Love Letters

    Perfect as decorations or for photoshoots, as well as for ceremonial backdrops (hint: proposals), this can be made using only crepe paper and large boxes you can get anywhere.

    12 Months of Date Nights

    Dating doesn't stop after you are married, or when your job is taking up too much of your time. Relationships need work to last decades and pre-planned Date Nights like the one found in this tutorial are of great help.

    Conversation Heart Pinatas

    Another cute crafting project, this can be hanged up as decorations or used to store a secret message or gift that can only be liberated if you break the heart.

    8-Bit Heart Pillow

    Perfect for the young at heart and gamers alike! Use some leftover felt and start brushing up your sewing skills for this easy-to-make heart plushie.

    Two Little Lovers Sitting on a Tree

    Who doesn't love this “innocent” childhood sing-a-long song? Immortalize this sweet little chant by turning it into personalized art which you can hang on your wall.

    Heart Friendship Bracelet

    Not keen on using metallic or plastic jewelery, then perhaps an hand-crafted, embroidered bracelet is the alternative for the environmentally conscious. And it costs you only a couple of embroidery floss.

    Stuffed Robot

    Is your special someone a sci-fi geek? Even if he or she isn't, we're sure that your special someone will love this adorable stuffed robot.

    Felt Treat Boxes

    These easy to make, and simple to customize felt treat bozes are great for storing small items of jewelery, house keys and other small items. Check out the tutorial for a quick step-by-step guide on how to construct these boxes.

    Creative Photo Album

    Not your regular run-of-the-mill photo album and one that will actually get you excited over printout photographs. Keep a "box" of your memories (get it?) with this creative photo album.

    Valentines Day Photo Blocks

    Another creative way to display your photos! This time build a puzzle which can be displayed by arranging the blocks.

    Picture Clock

    Turn your favorite photo into a homemade clock! This project requires a little knowledge with editing software but it's worth it when you breathe new life into your favorite photograph.

    Book Clock

    Have a book lover or a loved one who is into “vintage” looking displays? Then this is perfect as it only needs an old hardcover book and clock hands to be an awesome gift!

    No Sew Heart Pillow

    No sewing skills? No problem. This heart pillow made from felt (and no sewing needed) is right up your alley.

    Wire Wrapped Bangle

    This requires some basic wire wrapping and shaping but the best thing here is that most of the materials can be found easily. And it looks grea too.

    Box Disguised as Letters

    This box disguised as letters is a clever way to store away your secrets or small items. Just create a stack of letters made with invitation envelopes and some cardboard.

    Heart Paper Origami Box

    The next time you try and write a traditional love note, try this simple yet charming origami heart box idea. It's also easy to slip into a bag or purse. Talk about passing notes.

    Valentine Heart Pillow

    This lovable pillow is made of burlap and requires a bit of sewing to pull together. Nothing like providing your loved one some comfort to a sore back.

    Valentine Lightbulb

    A unique and symbolic DIY project. This project might look intimidating at first but is quite easy to follow and would result in an elegant gift that can be used as a display.

    Cute Little Teddy Bear

    You will never guess what this teddy is made of; it is made from an old sock! This is easy to sew and takes little to no effort to make.

    Pullout Photo Album

    The perfect way to display your photo booth pictures. The accordian-like pull uot and wooden box is a nice touch.

    Miniature Photo Pendants

    Combining our love of little charms and photographs, this project is perfect either as a “couple's gift” or just to display your photographs. It's easy to do and cost effective as well; you just need popsicle sticks as the base.

    Hoop Photo

    Probably one of the most unique display pieces on this list. This is made from some wood embroidery hoops and clothing pins. The best part is that it's easy to swap the pictures out.

    Goodybags for Valentines

    The perfect “goody bag” for small items such as lipstick or make up. These are made of drop cloth canvas and cotton gingham which is washable.

    La La Love You Pillow

    Inspired by the song from the Pixies, this is another sewing project that is easy and requires the use of a fabric glue gun.